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If we look at meat and how much we consume, there is a lot of meat that has to be produced to meet our needs. Of course, there are many types of meat available such as beef and lamb but these are not sustainable because of the resources that are needed to rear and produce them. Chickens are sustainable as they don’t have as much of an impact on the environment as they produce no methane, require less land to grow and they require less food and water. 

In recent years, schools have had to follow regulations that ensure that children are given access to healthy meals. Therefore, the school menu has changed and that means that children are given the option of eating more fruit and vegetables. Each meal they have has to contain vegetables while they are also given the option of fruit while refined carbohydrates are also removed from the school menu. In addition to this, items that contain pastry are also limited on the school menu.

As a business, you have to make sure that any food that you handle or prepare is done so in a safe way. Therefore, hygiene is paramount but there are many other elements that you have to consider. As a result, if you are not following the four C’s then there is a high chance that you are not meeting the levels of hygiene and care that are required to maintain food safety. By implementing and following the four C’s, you are more likely to keep consumers safe.

There is no cure for food allergies which means that individuals will need to make sure that they deal with symptoms correctly using medicine. Despite this, there is a possibility that a tolerance can be built up in some people who have certain allergies. One example of this is children who have a dairy allergy. This is because they can follow the milk ladder that slowly exposes them to increasing levels of dairy products that eventually help them to overcome the allergy.

While there is nothing to state that every allergy gets worse with age, they can become worse because they are exposed to the allergens for longer. Furthermore, the allergies that they had when they were younger could also change while they might experience problems more frequently. Therefore, it is important to ensure that individuals are prepared when it comes to allergies.

Most chefs will want to make sure that they hold all the necessary certifications that prove that they are capable in the kitchen and understand how to handle and prepare food correctly. However, there is no legal requirement for anyone to hold a food hygiene certificate although it is recommended that chefs obtain the certificate as a way of showing that they know what is expected of them when maintaining food safety.

Food hygiene certificates are a must for any establishment that produces, prepares or sells food. Therefore, schools that handle, serve and sell food should have a food hygiene certificate in place. As a result, all staff members that are involved in the process should have received the relevant training. Along with this, the kitchen and staff must have been through a food hygiene inspection so that the kitchen can be given a food hygiene rating which will indicate what level of hygiene the kitchen maintains and whether any improvements could be made.

If you are going to prepare and sell food yourself then you are going to require a Food Hygiene and Safety Certificate. This will mean that you have to go through an assessment by your local authority to determine the safety of your kitchen and the level of cleanliness that you maintain. This information will then be used to provide you with a rating that you will have to display to customers.

There are many different roles in the kitchen and those who carry them out will need to ensure that they adhere to hygiene regulations and rules. Therefore, they have to follow the necessary policies and procedures that their employer puts in place although they do not need to be qualified to work in a kitchen. It does help to have relevant qualifications as this will prove that you are trained to the necessary level that helps you to maintain a high level of food safety.

There are many risks associated with food and so, it is important that these risks are identified and managed accordingly. Therefore, it is vital that risks are measured correctly as this makes it possible to take the necessary steps to mitigate the risk. When it comes to the risk assessment of food, there are factors such as hazard identification and characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation. The risk is then considered in relation to the possible outcome and how high or low the chance of that risk occurring is.

Essentially, the risks associated with the food industry can be reduced by taking a number of steps. To begin with, businesses and operators must have the right training and then they have to identify the risks and ensure that they implement policies and procedures that have to be followed. Then, those who are handling or preparing food must make sure that they follow all the necessary steps and best practices that help them to mitigate the risks and maintain safety.

Large amounts of investment have to be made in order to achieve sustainability. There has to be improvements made in environmental conservation and there has to be an investment made in renewable energies. Furthermore, we have to save water, use free resources and reduce the amount of waste that we create. 

You might notice that you have a certain reaction when eating certain foods and if the symptoms and signs are consistent when eating those foods, it is likely to indicate that you have an allergy. However, it does help to have your allergies medically diagnosed and this is done through a simple prick test. This can then test you against 50 different substances in one go.

You might believe that you have an allergy simply from the reaction you have when you eat certain foods. It is common to notice a pattern between the signs and symptoms and the foods that you eat. However, if you want to find out what foods and allergens you are allergic to then it can help to get tested. The test will take blood from you through a prick test and then it will expose that blood to a range of allergens and that will give you an indication of what you are allergic to.

A checklist will need to be structured so it is clear and concise. This will allow those who use it to follow each section in accordance to the level of priority set out in the checklist. If there are items that are of a certain priority then this should be made clear and it should be simple enough to check off items to ensure that tasks are not duplicated.

To ensure safety in schools, the right policies should be implemented to ensure that pupils and staff remain safe. Management should adopt the right leadership to ensure that roles and responsibilities are set out. Risks should be assessed regularly and managed accordingly, ensuring they are minimised or removed. Signage and communication are vital as this does ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them and are able to recognise any potential risks.

Essentially, sustainability means having the ability to meet our needs without risking the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We need to store and reduce the use of natural resources, we also need to protect both social and economic resources. Furthermore, it is also about finding a balance between economic growth, caring for the environment and social wellbeing, all of which underpin the very meaning of sustainability.

It is not possible to flush out allergies by drinking more fluids but the type of allergy that you have might mean that you can ease symptoms. If you suffer from allergies that means that you are exposed to allergens such as dust or pollen then you can flush out some of the allergens using a nasal rinse. However, other allergies that affect you through the consumption of food could mean that you have to take certain medicines to ease the symptoms. 

Whether it’s preparing food in a hospitality setting or at home, food still has to be handled in the same way to ensure that it is safe. Therefore, when handling food at home, all preparation areas should be cleaned to remove any bacteria but food should also be chilled according to the instructions as this will ensure it is still safe and that bacteria hasn’t had time to grow. When cooking, raw meat and cooked meat shouldn’t be handled together to avoid cross-contamination while all food should be cooked to the right temperature.

Level 2 Food Hygiene


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