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Yes, you are free to join different regulatory bodies. There is usually no limit to how many you can join.  Some employers who look favourably on professionals who are registered with more than one body.

The individual preferences for acknowledging partnerships vary from one company to the next. However, all three of these regulatory bodies and directories acknowledge Learn Q as being a friend. You can often see references to our company on their websites.

The professional regulatory bodies and directories that we work with can help you to find, or be successful for job opportunities. They aren’t a source of direct employment in themselves.

Being part of a regulatory body or directory is a good way to secure opportunities and improve your reputation. Job roles may also be available to members that may not be published elsewhere.

You are not obligated to join a regulatory body or directory, but many professional translators and interpreters choose to join. Being a member showcases willingness to improve and that you adhere to standards set out by the body, which are desirable characteristics for a prospective employer.

Yes. We recommend you join any or all of these bodies to give you more opportunities to develop your career. Vacancies can often be found on their websites as well as other resources for more professional development.

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