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Home / Blog / Food Safety / FREE Personal Hygiene Checklist Poster

In the food service industry, good personal hygiene is crucial to ensuring the safety and quality of the food that is served to customers. If you are a food server, you are responsible for handling food, preparing it, and serving it to the public.

Failure to practice good personal hygiene can result in the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause foodborne illnesses.

Maintaining good personal hygiene involves several basic practices that are easy to implement.

By following these practices, you can prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and ensure that the food you serve is safe and healthy for customers.

Failure to practice good personal hygiene can result in legal and financial repercussions for the establishment, as well as harm to the health of your customers.

Learn Q’s tips for personal hygiene are:

  • Ensure all head hair is properly tucked inside protective headgear
  • If you have a beard, keep it clean and well-groomed and, better yet, use a beard cover/net
  • Do not wear earrings, nose rings, necklaces, or chains. If rings cannot be removed, cover them with a blue plaster
  • Do not wear garments with outer pockets as these can get caught up or catch debris
  • Clean, neat clothes with no tears that could harbor harmful bacteria or leave your skin exposed
  • Cover any wounds with a blue plaster – make sure they are clean and not weeping
  • Maintain short, clean. Nails. Disposable gloves and arm guards can be used for extra protection.
  • Do not wear watches, rings or other jewelry – these can harbor bacteria
  • Wear comfortable clogs or safety shoes – do not expose any bare skin on your feet

All of these points are covered on our FREE Personal Hygiene Checklist Poster, which can be downloaded by clicking here.

To download a .pdf of this blog, please click here

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When it comes to basic meal prep, there are many benefits to understanding the basics of food preparation. Let’s talk about them here.

You will save quite a bit of time if you can get meal preparation sorted. Obviously, taking the time to prepare these dishes is very important.

Meal preparation can save quite a bit of money if done properly. It’s a good way to produce quite a few meals for a reduced cost, which is always good news for a business.

Meal prep also allows you to better regulate portion sizes. When working in a busy environment, portion sizes can often become difficult to manage, and irregular portion sizes are common.

Meal preparation helps to lower skill and stress levels. There is a lot less stress involved in having access to meals that have already been prepared that you can use during busy periods.

Meal preparation is a helpful skill that you can use in your personal life as well as whilst on the job. Being able to prepare large quantities of food in advance is a practical skill for people who have a busy life.

You can use meal preparation as a useful tool for creating a better relationship with food. Obviously, building a better relationship with food is very important, which is why it’s necessary to explore how to use meal preparation to do that.

Finally, meal preparation can be used as a method of inspiring other people. When you can create large meals that can be distributed in advance, you inspire people to look for other efficient practices and to learn meal preparation for themselves.

Food safety training can help with a variety of different aspects of daily operations. First and foremost, food safety training helps with quality control. Poor handling often results in the loss of food or the contamination of already prepared items. 

Poor handling is often directly attributable to a lack of training. Therefore, good training will help to reduce the risk of accidents or contamination. Consequently, this will decrease the amount of waste generated by the business, impact profits in a positive way, and help the environment when it comes to wastefulness.

There are many reasons why you should consider working with a Food Safety Plan. They’re a valuable resource because they help to improve customer confidence in the finished product. 

The plan helps to minimise the possibility of food poisoning by tackling the issues which might cause it. Statistically speaking, in the long run, a good Food Safety Plan is likely to lower the production cost of raw material waste and help with food recall.

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