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Modern Slavery Statement – LearnQual Ltd

This Modern Slavery Statement is made by LearnQual Ltd in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. LearnQual Ltd is dedicated to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms within our business operations and supply chains.

Our Commitment

LearnQual Ltd is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking taking place within our organisation or within any of our supply chains. We recognize our moral and legal responsibility to take effective steps to address these issues.

Our Business and Supply Chains

LearnQual Ltd is a small company engaged in [brief description of your business activities]. Given our size, our supply chains are limited, primarily consisting of [describe your main suppliers or partners]. We maintain close relationships with our suppliers and are committed to ensuring that they share our values of ethical conduct.

Policies and Due Diligence

As a small company, we maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and human trafficking. While our operations and supply chains are small, we take the following steps to prevent these issues:

Supplier Due Diligence: We assess the potential risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains, particularly with our key suppliers. This includes evaluating their policies and practices.

Employee Awareness: We ensure that all employees are aware of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and are trained to identify and report any suspicions.

Reporting Concerns

Any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking can be reported to Robert Mynett, CEO, who can be reached at or 07766101659. We encourage open communication and whistleblowing to ensure that any issues are promptly addressed.

Review and Compliance

This Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are committed to continuously improving our practices and addressing any potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

In Summary

LearnQual Ltd remains dedicated to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking, even as a small company. We believe that all businesses have a role to play in eradicating these practices, and we will continue to take proactive measures to ensure that our operations and supply chains remain free from such abuses.

Signed on behalf of LearnQual Ltd:

Rob Mynett
Date: 17.06.23

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