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Washing fruits and vegetables is important to remove dirt, pesticides, and other contaminants that can be harmful to your customers. When washing fruits and vegetables remember to clean, agitate, rinse, and dry – or ‘C.A.R.D.’

  • Clean: Rinse fruits and vegetables under running water to remove any visible dirt and debris.
  • Agitate: Soak fruits and vegetables in a large bowl or sink filled with clean water for a few minutes to help loosen any dirt or contaminants, then use a clean brush or sponge to scrub them off.
  • Rinse: Rinse fruits and vegetables under running water again to remove any dirt or contaminants that were loosened during soaking and scrubbing.
  • Dry: Dry fruits and vegetables with a clean towel or paper towel or let them air dry.

Note that some fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens, may require additional cleaning. For leafy greens, remove the stems and soak the leaves in a large bowl of water for a few minutes, then rinse and dry. It is also important to wash fruits and vegetables just before use, rather than washing them and then storing them, to prevent the growth of bacteria.

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There are generally understood to be five key points involved in the importance of overall food safety. These include things like the use of preventative controls during the processing and preparation of foodstuffs, the use of chemical materials during foodstuff production, agricultural practices, practices of workers and staff, and finally, how close raw ingredients are to water.

A successful HACCP program has many benefits, which we will discuss one at a time here: 

Your business will save money and time in the long run because it does not have to deal with issues such as sickness, poor working conditions or other issues.

You can successfully avoid the risk of exposing your customers to substances which might make them sick and help to prevent lawsuits and other concerns at the same time.

The overall food safety standards will increase. Not only is this helpful for staff, but it also directly benefits customers too. It can also help to contribute to a higher hygiene rating from the local authority, which boosts the overall business reputation. 

The program helps to guarantee that you remain compliant with the law wherever possible. It is important to try and remember that you have a legal responsibility towards certain aspects of food health and safety. Getting them right is a normal part of business operations. 

The quality of your food standards will increase. Food quality standards are an important part of a successful business because they help to ensure specific hygiene practices and to protect staff and customers from harm. 

Your processes for producing safe-to-eat food become more organised. You need to have a firm grasp of organisational skills if you’re going to successfully look after your business and protect it from poor performance. Developing and improving these skills is very important.

Finally, it helps to promote improved teamwork and efficiency among your staff. The kitchen environment can be a bustling place, and the fastest way to make sure that people do not make mistakes is to promote a culture of teamwork and efficiency. Having a proper HACCP scheme in place will prevent any issues in this way.

There are many reasons why you should consider working with a Food Safety Plan. They’re a valuable resource because they help to improve customer confidence in the finished product. 

The plan helps to minimise the possibility of food poisoning by tackling the issues which might cause it. Statistically speaking, in the long run, a good Food Safety Plan is likely to lower the production cost of raw material waste and help with food recall.

Yes, you can carry out a level 2 food hygiene course online. This will allow you to study in your own time with the course being completed over a period of three hours. This will then give you a valid certificate and qualification in food hygiene.

Once an individual has obtained a level 2 food safety certificate, it shows that they understand the basics of food safety and as a result, they are not required to undergo any further training or qualifications as the certificate does not expire. However, it is recommended that refresher training takes place at a minimum of three years as this will ensure that they are up-to-speed with any changes in regulations or laws.

The good thing about the Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate is that it does not take long to complete and that will give those who work in the food industry the certificate needed to prove they understand the importance of hygiene. As a result, you can expect to complete the course in around 3-4 hours, enabling you to obtain your certificate quickly.

When you obtain a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate, you won’t have to worry about renewing it as it is valid indefinitely which means that it doesn’t expire. While you will enhance your knowledge about food hygiene, it is recommended that you undertake a refresher course every 3 years to make sure that you are up to date with the latest methods and regulations that have to be used and followed in the food industry.

The Level 2 Food Safety Test is part of the Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering course and is used to conclude the course. The test consists of a total of 30 multiple choice questions that are designed to relate to the content of the course. In order to pass, you are expected to achieve a score of 24 correct answers out of 30. This test can be accessed after the course units have been completed and there is no time limit on it although the course units cannot be accessed during the final exam.

The level two food hygiene certificate is one of the most accredited options online. As a course, it provides many benefits to the user. First of all, this is an immediate qualification which is very popular in all aspects of the hospitality and food industry. 

We personally recommend all of your staff have at least level two training before they start working with food in the kitchen. Obviously, it is up to you, but there are definitely benefits to investing in the level two qualification.

Yes, this is a widely recognised certificate throughout the food industry as it shows that individuals have a basic understanding of food safety. The certificate will cover a wide range of areas that form part of running a kitchen safely because hygiene is vital. Individuals will learn about the impact of food-borne illnesses, food preservation, food law and personal hygiene. It also provides an understanding of temperature control and food storage.

If you want to work in the food industry then it is important that you have the right knowledge and training that will enable you to work safely and effectively. With a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate, it will mean that you have a knowledge of how to handle food safely in any workplace. As a result, it will allow you to show employers that you have the required knowledge to work in a kitchen or environment where food is prepared.

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