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HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a systematic approach to ensuring food safety. Developed in the 1960s by a team of scientists and engineers for NASA’s space program, HACCP has since become a cornerstone of modern food safety management.

It emphasises the identification, assessment, and control of potential hazards in the food production process. The seven principles of HACCP provide a comprehensive framework to safeguard food from farm to table.

Click here to download a FREE Principles of HACCP Poster, and read on to learn more:

  • Conduct a Hazard Analysis:

The first principle involves identifying potential biological, chemical, or physical hazards that could compromise food safety. This analysis serves as the foundation for the rest of the HACCP process, allowing for a thorough understanding of risks specific to the food production process.

  • Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs):

CCPs are specific points in the production process where control can be exerted to prevent, eliminate, or reduce identified hazards to acceptable levels. These points are pivotal in ensuring that food safety risks are effectively managed.

  • Establish Critical Limits:

Critical limits are predetermined parameters that must be met at each CCP to ensure food safety. These limits could relate to temperature, time, pH levels, moisture, or other relevant factors. They act as benchmarks for gauging whether a process is under control.

  • Implement Monitoring Procedures:

Monitoring involves regular checks to ensure that CCPs are operating within established critical limits. This ongoing oversight helps detect any deviations from the norm, allowing for timely corrective action to prevent food safety hazards from occurring.

  • Develop Corrective Actions:

When deviations from critical limits are identified, corrective actions are necessary. These actions detail the steps to bring the process back under control and mitigate the potential food safety hazard. The goal is to quickly address and rectify any issues to prevent contaminated products from reaching consumers.

  • Establish Verification Procedures:

Verification involves periodic reviews and validations of the HACCP system’s effectiveness. This ensures that the system remains robust and continues to provide the intended level of food safety. External audits, inspections, and testing are common verification methods.

  • Create a Record-Keeping System:

Maintaining accurate records is crucial to HACCP’s success. Records track various aspects of the process, including hazard analysis, CCP monitoring, corrective actions, and verification procedures. These records serve as evidence of compliance and provide a historical perspective for continuous improvement.

If you want a structured way to improve your HACCP practices, you could take a course with Learn Q. Click here to learn more.



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There are generally understood to be five key points involved in the importance of overall food safety. These include things like the use of preventative controls during the processing and preparation of foodstuffs, the use of chemical materials during foodstuff production, agricultural practices, practices of workers and staff, and finally, how close raw ingredients are to water.

A successful HACCP program has many benefits, which we will discuss one at a time here: 

Your business will save money and time in the long run because it does not have to deal with issues such as sickness, poor working conditions or other issues.

You can successfully avoid the risk of exposing your customers to substances which might make them sick and help to prevent lawsuits and other concerns at the same time.

The overall food safety standards will increase. Not only is this helpful for staff, but it also directly benefits customers too. It can also help to contribute to a higher hygiene rating from the local authority, which boosts the overall business reputation. 

The program helps to guarantee that you remain compliant with the law wherever possible. It is important to try and remember that you have a legal responsibility towards certain aspects of food health and safety. Getting them right is a normal part of business operations. 

The quality of your food standards will increase. Food quality standards are an important part of a successful business because they help to ensure specific hygiene practices and to protect staff and customers from harm. 

Your processes for producing safe-to-eat food become more organised. You need to have a firm grasp of organisational skills if you’re going to successfully look after your business and protect it from poor performance. Developing and improving these skills is very important.

Finally, it helps to promote improved teamwork and efficiency among your staff. The kitchen environment can be a bustling place, and the fastest way to make sure that people do not make mistakes is to promote a culture of teamwork and efficiency. Having a proper HACCP scheme in place will prevent any issues in this way.

There are many reasons why you should consider working with a Food Safety Plan. They’re a valuable resource because they help to improve customer confidence in the finished product. 

The plan helps to minimise the possibility of food poisoning by tackling the issues which might cause it. Statistically speaking, in the long run, a good Food Safety Plan is likely to lower the production cost of raw material waste and help with food recall.

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