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What are Considered Poor Skills and Characteristics?

Poor skills and characteristics are characteristics, qualities, or behaviours that are harmful to an individual’s personal and professional development as well as interactions with others. These characteristics and deficiencies can have a negative impact on many aspects of life, including relationships, job opportunities, and overall well-being.

Poor Skills and Characteristics

Identifying these skills and characteristics in employees is critical for organisations to address performance issues, provide necessary training or support, or consider appropriate disciplinary actions to maintain a productive and positive work environment.


Employees who consistently fail to meet deadlines demonstrate a lack of commitment to their duties. They may also have a pattern of arriving late for work or taking excessive unplanned leave, which disrupts team workflow and erodes trust.

Poor Communication

Communication difficulties can manifest as difficulty expressing ideas clearly, failing to actively listen to others, or being unresponsive to emails and messages. A lack of effective communication within the team can lead to misunderstandings, mistakes, and frustration.

Lack of Initiative

Bad employees are frequently unwilling to take on additional tasks or responsibilities outside of their job description. They may resist opportunities for growth and improvement, impeding both their personal development and the progress of the organisation.


This trait involves defiance or refusal to obey instructions or follow company policies and procedures. Insubordinate behaviour disrupts the workplace hierarchy and can lead to conflicts with supervisors.

Inadequate Work Quality

Producing work that consistently falls short of expected standards demonstrates a lack of competence or effort. Poor-quality work can lead to mistakes, rework, and customer dissatisfaction.

Negative Attitude

Pessimistic and cynical attitudes are common among bad employees. They may frequently complain, resist collaboration, and spread negativity, which can harm team morale and create a toxic environment.


The ability of an organisation to adapt to changing industry trends, technologies, or market demands can be hampered by resistance to change and a rigid mindset. Poor performers can stymie progress by opposing necessary changes in strategy or processes.

Lack of Accountability

Bad employees frequently shift blame to others, refuse to admit their mistakes, and avoid accepting responsibility for their actions. This lack of accountability can erode trust and make problem-solving more difficult.


Wasting time on non-work-related activities, procrastinating, or spending an inordinate amount of time on tasks that could be completed more efficiently all contribute to low productivity and can have a negative impact on the team’s performance.

Conflict Incitement

Grindling, spreading rumours, or engaging in divisive behaviour can all lead to workplace conflict. Bad employees can cause tension and mistrust among coworkers.

Low Adaptability

Personal and organisational growth can be hampered by resistance to change and an inability to adapt to new circumstances. It may result in missed opportunities for growth and improvement.

Resistance to Feedback

Defensive reactions to constructive criticism stifle personal and professional development. Employees who respond negatively to feedback may find it difficult to learn from their mistakes and improve.

Ethical Issues

Unethical behaviour, such as lying, fraud, or harassment, can have serious ramifications for both the individual and the organisation. It harms the ethical standards and reputation of the workplace.

Poor Time Management

Poor time management is characterised by difficulty prioritising tasks, missing deadlines, and procrastination. This can lead to inefficiency, project delays, and increased team stress.

Inadequate Teamwork

Bad employees may struggle to effectively collaborate with colleagues, resulting in discord within teams and impeding the collective success of projects and goals.

Unprofessional Conduct

Unprofessional behaviour, such as rude communication, inappropriate attire, or a lack of courtesy towards colleagues and clients, reflects poorly on the individual and can disrupt workplace harmony.

Negative Impact on Culture

The presence of negative, mistrustful, and demotivating employees can contribute to a toxic workplace culture. This not only has an impact on team morale but also makes it difficult to attract and retain top talent.

Can Customer Service Training Help?

Absolutely! Customer service training has the power to transform even the most “challenging” employees into valuable assets for your business. 🌟

It can help with:

  1. Improved Skills: Training equips employees with the necessary skills to handle customer interactions effectively. Those who may have struggled before can learn how to communicate, empathize, and resolve issues with finesse.
  2. Boosted Confidence: Often, employees who are perceived as “bad” lack confidence in their abilities. Training can provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to feel more self-assured in customer interactions.
  3. Clear Guidelines: Training establishes clear guidelines and best practices, ensuring that even employees with previous difficulties now have a roadmap to follow when dealing with customers.
  4. Enhanced Product Knowledge: Sometimes, employees struggle because they lack a deep understanding of the products or services they are representing. Training helps bridge this knowledge gap, enabling them to answer customer queries more effectively.
  5. Conflict Resolution Skills: Handling irate or dissatisfied customers can be challenging. Through training, employees can develop conflict resolution skills that allow them to navigate difficult situations with professionalism.
  6. Consistency: Training ensures that all employees, including those who may have struggled in the past, deliver consistent customer service. This consistency is key to building a positive reputation.
  7. Feedback and Improvement: Regular training provides opportunities for ongoing feedback and improvement. “Bad” employees can benefit from constructive feedback and adjust their approach accordingly.
  8. Motivation: Some employees may have underperformed due to lack of motivation. Training can rekindle their motivation by showing them how their role contributes to the overall success of the business.
  9. Cultural Alignment: Training can also align employees with your company’s culture and values. When they understand and embrace these principles, they are more likely to provide better customer service.
  10. Career Growth: Knowing that they are receiving training and support can motivate “bad” employees to see a potential career path within the organization. This can lead to increased commitment and dedication.

Customer Service training from LearnQual is a great way to address this gap and only costs £14 per learner.

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