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There are plenty of benefits to taking an online course rather than heading to college. The main one has to be that it allows you to study at a time and pace that suits you best. It may be easier to study for an online qualification. However, there are still some things you need to do to prepare for your studies and your exams too.

To help you to be in the best position for your new learning, we have put together 10 tips to prepare for your online course qualification.

Be inspired and proactive

One thing to know about studying online is that your learning is entirely down to you. If you lose focus and pace, then you are likely to fall behind and need to catch up. This means that one of the best things that you can do for yourself is to ensure that you are as inspired and proactive as possible.

Staying inspired and being able to face all the studying that you need to do proactively means that you are going to stand the best chance to succeed in all of your learning and your exams too.

Set your goal and objectives

It is much easier to lose focus if you don’t have something to focus on. This means that it is always a good idea to think about what your goals and objectives are in your learning even before you begin.

Consider why you are doing this learning and where you hope it may take you in the future. Identify which units are going to be most relevant or enjoyable to you. Whilst every single part of your studies is equally important, knowing which parts you are looking forward to will help you with your studies.

Get everything you will need before you start the exam

Exams can be incredibly stressful, and you want to try and do whatever you can to make it as easy as possible. One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to make sure that you have everything that you are going to need for your exams.

This can vary depending on what you are studying. But there are some basics that you are going to want to consider:

  • Pens and pencils
  • A copy of your timetable to make sure you know when your exam is
  • A calculator (if needed)
  • A watch (to monitor the time)
  • Your clothes for the next day (make sure you are comfortable)
  • Water bottle

Once you have these items to hand, then the next thing that you need to think about is making sure that you get plenty of sleep so that you are well-rested the next day and ready to take on your exams.

What to look for in an online course

Depending on what you are planning on studying, there are lots of options that you can consider when it comes to studying an online course. This means that you need to think about what it is that you are looking for in an online course.

One of the first things to consider is whether your course is self-paced or it features scheduled learning with workshops and online classes that you need to attend. If you have a busy schedule or you want to fit in your learning at a time which suits you, then a scheduled course may not work for you. At the same time, a self-paced course might not suit those who think that they may end up losing focus.

You should also check the peer interaction in your chosen course(s) too. Some people can work absolutely fine on their own, whereas others may need to be able to discuss their learning with peers. This could be online on calls, or it could be in a forum-style discussion.

A great way to learn more about what to expect from a course (and whether they are going to do what they say they can) is to read online reviews for them. These will come from past students and will tell you a little more about how their studying works and also whether they are going to meet your expectations.

Check the course requirements

Course requirements can vary from course to course and provider to provider, which means that you need to find out more about what is going to be expected from you.

Some of the main things to check on an online course include:

  • The fees and the payment schedule
  • How many hours the course will take
  • What resources you will need
  • How will you learn
  • How will you contact your tutor
  • How long do you have to complete the course and access the materials?

Once you have all these things together, then you will know whether or not you are going to be able to meet the key requirements and to be able to begin your learning journey.

Create a study plan and calendar

Discipline is one of the key factors of any form of distance or online learning. You need to make sure that you study when you should be studying and on a regular basis. Of course, things can come up in life, which means that you cannot always keep to your plan, but having one set out is a great way to remind yourself when you should be studying.

Not only this but having a study plan on a calendar can also show you how your studying and exams are going to fall in line with your home life and other commitments that you may have. You may not be able to move some of these things, but knowing that they are coming up is going to help you to plan for the future.

Have a dedicated, distraction free workspace

Where you study is more important than you may realise. Studying at home means that there are going to be lots of distractions that can take you away from your studying, which is never a good thing.

It is a great idea to have a dedicated workspace that you can use for your studying, with everything that you are going to need. Not only this, but you should also make sure that you try and keep it to a spot in your house that is as distraction-free as possible (which we know can be tricky) as this will help you to focus on your studies rather than all the other parts of your house.

You may be lucky enough to have a spare room that you can use, but if not, then try to find a corner spot in your home that you can call your own whilst you are studying.

Use online resources to help you prepare

The great thing about living in an online world at the moment is that you can find so many helpful resources online. This is definitely true when it comes to studying and taking exams.

No matter how nice the course is that you are studying, there are going to be people who have studied before you, which means that they can share their experiences and the resources that they found the most useful for their studies too.

A quick Google search should get you on your way to finding what you need, and it is important that you take the time to collate these long before you need them. We can promise you that this will help you when it comes to taking your exam.

Make time to revise before the exam

One of the best ways to make sure that you are successful when taking an exam is to revise. Some people may say that they can “cram” before an exam and still do well, but we absolutely do not recommend this approach.

It is a much better idea to give yourself (and your brain, for that matter) as much time as possible to revise and review the work that you have already done before your exam. That way, you can have plenty of time to try and take it all in, and you won’t be rushing it.

Break down your exam tasks

Exams, when you look at them as a whole, can be pretty daunting. It is likely to feel that you have a whole lot of work ahead of you, and you may not be sure how to approach it. It is a much better idea to try and focus on your exam tasks little by little.

Think about what you need to do within your exams, what key topics are going to be covered and what you need to do to prepare. Having these in a smaller list is going to feel much more manageable and will keep you calm when you can otherwise find it overwhelming.

The worst thing that you can do is to leave yourself panicked. You will rush, and you may end up making mistakes or missing things out completely.

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Food safety training can help with a variety of different aspects of daily operations. First and foremost, food safety training helps with quality control. Poor handling often results in the loss of food or the contamination of already prepared items. 

Poor handling is often directly attributable to a lack of training. Therefore, good training will help to reduce the risk of accidents or contamination. Consequently, this will decrease the amount of waste generated by the business, impact profits in a positive way, and help the environment when it comes to wastefulness.

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